Cow Families
Our top producing modern-day cow family beginning with Merchiston Maria 812, a grand-daughter of the great Pine Drive Big Sky. There are a number of different arms to this family but there was no better cow at producing great females than Merchiston Maria 1169, a daughter of the $130,000 Atahua Westpoint.
There are many progenies in the current herd with Maria amongst their name but none better than Merchiston Maria 313, Merchiston Maria 612, and Merchiston Maria 614. Maria 313 is the dam of Merchiston Infinity 774 purchased by Atahua then sold after 3 years to Turiroa.
Photographed to the right are cows Merchiston Maria 313, Merchiston Maria 473, and Merchiston Maria 612.

Our equal oldest cow family extending back some 55 years. The Elda’s have dominated our cow herd for many years and still appear regularly in our sale catalog. Elda 314 is a high producing Booroomooka Theo daughter and we have currently used one of her sons.
Photographed to the right is Merchiston Elda 314.

Equal oldest of our cow families originating from a bull called Foron of Waiterenui who had a huge influence on the early development of the Merchiston cow herd. The best of the current day Forona’s is Merchiston Forona 442, a Merchiston Design 335 daughter and dam of Merchiston Equator 139 who is an Ardrossan A241 son used at Merchiston in 2012/13.
Photographed to the right is Merchiston Forona 442 (coming soon).
Merchiston Fiona 438 is an outstanding Merchiston Design 335 daughter who never produces anything other than a top calf. She is the dam of Merchiston East Avenue 27 who was used as a yearling then sold in our 2012 sale for the second top price of $11,000. She again had a top weaner bull in 2013 by the high flying Australian sire Dunoon Evident E614. Fiona 438’s maternal sister Fiona 582 is also a top cow in the herd. Her mother a Banquet Powerpack P54 daughter had 10 calves in her lifetime.
Photographed to the right is Merchiston Fiona 438, Fiona 525 & Fiona 412.

An old cow family going back over 30 years who is well represented today by two strong arms of this family. Two current cows producing at a high level are Merchiston Duchess 573 (a daughter of the outstanding Merchiston Duchess 175) and Merchiston Duchess 388, the mother of Evolution 1006 whose semen has been used here at Merchistion and exported internationally.
Photographed to the right is Merchiston Duchess 388.

Another well-established family emanating from a Zulu of Kaharau daughter, Merchiston K.541. Descending from this old cow was Merchiston Time 60/99 a superb mother cow who produced big, soft calves. Merchiston Time 563 is a granddaughter of 60/99 by our senior herd sire Vision 564. A number of males from this family have been used in the herd.
Photographed to the right is Merchiston Time 563.

Other High Producing Cow Families
Some of the other high producing cows in the herd include:
Merchiston Pride 415

Merchiston Bronwyn 395

Merchiston Waitress 391

Merchiston Erina 159

Merchiston Evelyn 472

Merchiston Annabelle 509