Stud History

Merchiston Angus was founded in 1955 by the late Lloyd Rowe. The stud was initially founded on 10 females from the Purdies, Tarangower stud.
Early sires that had an influence on the herd included:
+ Emperor 24th of Mangatoro
+ Foron of Waiterenui and his son
+ Foron 42nd of Merchiston
+ Princibet 2nd of Taimate
+ Kauere 47/74
+ Kauere A51
+ EN 479 of Waiterenui
+ Ranger 198 of Rangitira
+ Summitcrest Powerplay Mo32 (Imported – USA)
+ Pack Power Scotch Cap 889 (Imported – USA)
The herd expanded in the late 1980’s after the sale of the commercial herd. The herd now totals approximately 200 breeding cows and heifers located here at Merchiston and on Glencorran Farm (the property of Mike & Kate Gee Taylor) at Rangiwahia.
In 2022 the stud had a a change in direction after succession and other opportunities arose. The decision was made to sell off the cow herd based at Merchiston at our first ‘Foundation Female Sale’. The stud model has now shifted to mating 60+ heifers at Merchiston each year and slightly expand the cow herd at Glencorran. Alongside this, an extensive finishing operation has been set up at Merchiston where our clients steers are our purchased and finished each year, data collected from birth to slaughter, with the goal of understanding consumer demands better and relaying this across the supply chain to best maximise ours and our commercial clients returns. A new and exciting step in the studs lifecycle.
The rising two-year-old bull sale is held in June on farm each year where we sell 30 – 45 bulls. 20 – 25 Yearling bulls are sold in September at our on-farm bull sale each year.
The aim is to consolidate the herd at approximately 300 females, selling 80 – 100 bulls per year as both yearlings and two year old bulls.